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Another addictive time waster... AIRMASH


Staff member
Not sure how it would run without a keyboard or gamepad for controlling but if you do have a keyboard or gamepad it's good fun.

Simple shooter with choice of various planes in a 2D top down multiplayer environment.

https://airma.sh/ (AIRMASH)

Been playing this a lot more lately. username: JUOT.net

Seems like the main discussion for this game is on reddit: AIRMASH

Below are my own notes/instructions to get you started quickly. If I'm wrong about something please let me know.

So you can play Free For All (FFA) which is what I mostly do (everyone is an enemy, respawn when you die, aim is to have the highest score) or Capture The Flag (CTF) option which has two teams and makes full use of the map. There is also a third option, Battle Royale (BTR) which is similar to FFA except once you die, you die. The last aircraft standing is the winner. Unlike FFA and CTF you cannot enter a Battle Royale at anytime, you must wait for a new round to start. You will sometimes get notices while playing FFA or CTF when a new Battle Royale is about to start. BTR rounds usually force everyone to use the same type of aircraft and the map gets continually smaller so people can't hide and win.

The map is a flat world map. Very basic, some mountains you can't fly over, otherwise green/dessert and water all of which you can fly over. Unlimited fuel and no limit on weapons, though they do need to "recharge."

If you get to the edge of the map (North, South, East, or West) you can't go any further (so flat earth theory?) but interestingly enough if you go to the edge and shoot your missiles they will show up on the opposite side of the map. You can't really see what you're aiming at, but the map does have a "radar" that can let you know there are enemies on the other side of the map.

The spacebar fires the primary weapon (a missle of variable strength and speed depending on the aircraft) and the CTRL key activates the special ability, each one is different per aircraft as well.

You can choose one of 5 aircraft.

1. Predator

By default you get a typical fighter plane looking aircraft that looks like an F35 but in game is called a Predator. To be this is a well balanced aircraft in terms of speed and firepower. It's special ability is a turbo boost (FULL MILITARY POWER :fmp: ?) for a short time.

2. Goliath

The next option in game is called the Goliath and it's by far the largest (and slowest) aircraft. It has what appears to be the strongest (and slowest) missile as its main weapon. The Goliath seems based on the B2 (Stealth) Bomber. Its special weapon repels all incoming missiles. In addition any missiles repelled will then count as if they were fired from the Goliath so you can destroy an enemy with his own missies.

3. Mohawk

The third option is an attack helicopter called the Mohawk. It is the fastest aircraft that can rapidly fire the fastest missiles but the trade off is lack of defense and lack of missile damage. One shot from any other aircraft (besides another Mohawk) destroys this helicopter. Also its missiles are weak. It takes a number of well placed shots to destroy any of the other aircraft. The special ability lets this attack helicopter stay pointed in a single direction despite otherwise flying to the left or right, or up or down on the map. Easiest way to understand is to try it. You need to hold CTRL down while both flying with the arrow keys and shooting with the space bar, so it can be awkward if using a keyboard.

4. Tornado

The fourth option is another typical fighter looking airplane, this one perhaps looks closer to a Russian "MiG" but it's called a Tornado in this game. Compared to the Predator it is noticeably slower but the weapons are noticeably stronger. It's main missile is slightly slower but packs a bigger punch and it's special weapon is perhaps the most devastating in the game. Hitting CTRL fires 3 missiles at the same time. If all 3 missiles hit the target this can destroy any other aircraft in a single shot (other than a maxed defense Goliath) making a head on approach of a Tornado especially deadly. You don't want to be in front of a Tornado!

5. Prowler

The fifth and final option looks like the smaller stealth fighter (rather than the stealth bomber that is the Goliath.) The Poweler's special ability makes it completely invisible (cloaks it basically) to enemy aircraft. The Prowler is relatively slow and not especially strong. You can remain cloaked indefinitely but the act of firing or being hit will immediately make the aircraft visible to your enemies. Lacking the fire power to take out other aircraft quickly the Prowler is best used as a scavenger who lays in wait for already damaged prey. If you can't take out your target in one shot you're less likely to survive the counter attack than the other fighters. Whether you are cloaked or not you will show up on radar so don't think you can stay cloaked in a far off corner of the map and get a snack, someone will find you.


You can overcome the limitations of various aircraft by collecting power-ups. There are three main kind of power-ups.

The red box gives your the ability to shoot 3 missiles instead of one from your main weapon using the same energy as only shooting one. However you may wish to avoid the red box as it will greatly reduce your speed for the short time the power-up is active. The red box can appear anywhere but often appears in the box in the European "base." Though not a base in free-for-all mode it's still visible and tends to be the center of the spawn locations.

The silver box gives you an full shield. When you first spawn you are shielded for a second or two but it quickly disappears. This shield lasts noticeably longer but not too long. Unlike the red box there is no noticeable reduction in agility so no reason not to pick this up if you see it. The silver box is the most hard to find. I am not sure how or when it appears, my guess is at random.

Arguably the most important power-up is the plain wooden box or upgrade. For each of these you pick up you can press any of the number keys 1 to 4 and it will upgrade your aircraft. Pressing 1 will increase your aircraft max speed. Pressing 2 will increase how fast your aircraft repairs damage. Pressing 3 will increase how fast your weapons and/or special ability recharge. Pressing 4 will increase the speed you missiles fire at. These are easily found when destroying an aircraft that has one or more upgrades already. The destruction of your aircraft does not always mean you lose an upgrade but the more you have the more you tend to lose when you die (in FFA anyway, not sure about other game types.) A wooden box will often appear in place where an upgraded aircraft was destroyed, and they sometimes appears randomly on the map.


Along with the radar map shown earlier the below image has some of the most important features of the game.

Your aircraft is in the center. Below it is your chosen flag, your username, and your current game level. (These are all explained below in personalization.)

The green gauge on the left is your damage indicator. The lower this is the closer you are to being destroyed. Heavily damaged aircraft will show visible signs of distress with what looks like sparks falling from them as they fly though agility is not affected. This gauge will rise once the aircraft stops taking damage. The rate at which it rises is different for each aircraft and can be increased with upgrades (pres #2 to increase defense after picking up an upgrade.)

The blue gauge on the right is your energy. It decreases each time you shoot your main weapon or use your special ability. Like with the damage indicator the rate this recharges is different for each aircraft, for each weapon, and can be improved with upgrades (pressing #3 after picking up an upgrade.)

On the left side of the screen are two sets of icons. On the top are the 5 different aircraft types. Click on any of these with the mouse to spawn as that type of aircraft. You need to have full power and energy to change aircraft. Below the aircraft are four icons which show your upgrades. From top to bottom is max speed, defense, energy recharge, and missile speed. The number in each box will increment by one for each upgrade you chose in that category. From top to bottom they are: Max speed, Defense (damage repair), Energy (weapon recharge), and missile speed.


When you begin the game for the first time you can choose your username. As your continue to play (and score) you will level up in the game. The second level comes quickly with subsequent levels taking longer to reach. Once you reach the 2nd level you can choose a flag to display next to your username. At level 1 you are assigned the flag of the country your IP address appears to come from.

To set a flag press the Enter key to bring up a box to type in (this is the chat box, you can enter a message here for other players to see) however if you send the command: /flag xx where xx is one of the two letter country codes here this will set your chosen flag.

At level 3 you can use several emoticons in chat: /tf /pepe /clap /lol /bro /kappa /cry /rage

As level 4 you get a handful of additional flags including a pirate flag, a rebel (Confederate) flag, a rainbow flag and one or two others. After that I'm not sure, it's as far as I've gotten.

Reddit post with known level awards here.


There is a free mod that changes the graphics of the game to Star Wars backgrounds and ships. Instructions for installing here: StarMash Mod, version 2 is now Released! (Major update) airmash


Staff member
Updated first post with instructions and info on how to play. Most of it isn't necessary, it's very simple to pick up, just details for people who want to know a little more than the absolute basics.


Staff member
Maybe. I keep having to reject all these NSA people from trying to link with me on Linked In. :shrug: