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Staff member

8 episode mini-series on Hulu. Premise is there is a mysterious time portal in the closet of a small diner, always sends the person back to the same instant in 1960. The diner owner used it secretly trying to stop the assassination of JFK 3 years later by trying to figure out who really did it. However the original guy eventually gets cancer and has to pass the task to a new, younger guy. That's basically the start of the story. Also the way the time porta works, any changes you make in the past carry over to the future, but anytime you go through the portal again it erases any changes you made last time. Finally- whether you spend a minute or a year in the past, when you come back only 2 minutes have passed in the current time.

The thought is preventing JFK's assassination would more or less prevent the Vietnam War and make the world a better place. I assume the diner owner lost someone close in the war but it wasn't made clear in the 1st episode.
It's on my watch list, but I haven't started it yet. I was leery about opening the thread for fear of spoilers.

Is it worth watching?


bici italia
The book was GREAT, long, but great. I liked the series too, but because I had read the book, might not have liked it as much without. I liked the ending...


Staff member
Spoilers Ahead...

Well as the show went on it got dumber and dumber- the main character is the worst time traveler ever. Further, the more you think about it the entire premise was absurd.

There's no good reason Al didn't complete the mission himself.

Why did he need to do any research into if Oswald was acting alone? Just kill him and see what happens. if Kennedy is still assinated then go back and find out more. It doesn't hurt to try if you can always reset it.

The main guy should have reset it after his first couple days got so screwed up. Had he reset after meeting Henry's father, only a few days in, he'd have had the upper hand, and wouldn't have loan sharks after him.

This show started off strong but got very disappointing. The future he went back to is about what I expected.