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Ferrell Takes the Field


Staff member
Will Ferrell, despite starring in my favorite comedy of all time, Anchorman, has always has been a very "hit or miss" actor for me. There are a lot of his performances I love (the previously mentioned Anchorman, Ricky Bobby, and of course Alex Trebek on SNL Celebrity Jeopardy) but there are also a lot of things I don't find him funny in- like anything else he seemed to do on SNL (those cheerleader skits make my cringe...) and I can't say I enjoyed Elf either.

Unfortunate this "Comedy Special" doesn't do anything for me. I gave it about 15 minutes and had to turn it off. I'm not seeing the humor here. :shrug:

He was pretty decent as George W. Bush on SNL as well, forgot about that.
