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Casino / 'Gameroom Cash' Details Thread


Staff member
You can earn "Gameroom Cash" - virtual credits you can use to play games in the JUOT Casino/Gameroom in the following ways:

1) Everyone started out with an initial $500, if you go broke it should reset to $500

2) Every new day you login to JUOT.net you get $250

3) For every new post your get $10 for every new thread you get an additional $20 - although intentional "padding" (making lots of nonsense threads or posts) will likely see me taking away twice as much in money as you may have earned.

4) Every time you leave reputation for someone (by clicking on the
in any post you get $10.

5) When you receive positive reputation from someone you gain $5.

6) When you vote in a poll you make $10.

7) When you 'rate' a thread you make $5.

8) When a new JUOT.net user registers and puts your username in as a referral you get $1000.

Of course you can also gain (or lose) money by gambling it in the casino games which mostly do not need explanation and/or have instructions when you click on them.

The Poker Room allows you to play Texas Hold-em against other JUOT.net users in real time, you can not play alone. You'll know when someone is in the gameroom in a game as a banner will appear below the navigation bar announcing players are in the room and inviting you to come play. A max of 10 players can play poker at once. "Video Poker" does not require any other players, like the slots you play against the Casino. Other games, like chess, checkers, battleship have a max of 2 players.

To start any multilayer game click on the "start game" check-box.

In "Betting" you can bet on upcoming events - however as each event must be personally entered and setup by a super-mod or admin there won't always be events to bet on, you will see upcoming events listed. Sometimes there will be non-sporting events listed, such as who will win the US Presidential Election.

Finally you can transfer Gameroom cash to other players by clicking on the "Transfer Cash" button on the top of the main Gameroom screen.
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