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Is there a better online backup than Carbonite?


I'm still using Backblaze. It has saved my ass several times. No complaints from me.

My initial backup took so long because I throttled it back. We watch lots of Netflix and Hulu+.


Staff member
BackBlaze is looking good... Once I turned off throttling the estimated time to completion went down to 6 days... from an original estimate of 92.


Staff member
Backblaze initial upload (over 170 Gigs) completed in about 4 days... Much faster than my initial iDrive upload a few years back when I had only about 100 gigs of data... Weeks faster in fact.

So the "catch" (not really a catch) with BackBlaze is that the files must exist on your computer for them to remain backed up- unlike iDrive and others where you could (in theory) delete files from your local computer and keep them online forever, BackBlaze will delete in 30 days. This is bad news if you try to backup external hard drives- you will need to plug it in at least once a month so it knows not to delete those files.

I'm OK with that.

Signing up (with payment) today, and canceling iDrive.