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Links to Off Topic threads will now show the thread title...


Staff member
As you may or may not have noticed in the past when someone posted a link to a thread in off topic the title of the thread would not show. This is because OT is closed to guests and the web server fetching the title was being treated like a guest.

I have made an adjustment to allow our web server to see the threads in OT so it can retrieve the correct title- examples:

Cheap tires... - JUOT - Joes Ultimate Off Topic

Onions - JUOT - Joes Ultimate Off Topic

For security reasons I have ONLY enabled this for Off Topic threads. VIP or other secure forums will still not show the thread title in links- this is because while it is tough, it is possible for someone to 'pretend' to be our web server to gain access.

Allowing access only to Off Topic wouldn't allow a hacker any more access then they would have just by registering- and it should take care of a large majority of our thread to thread linking.


VIP Link Example: JUOT - Joes Ultimate Off Topic