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New Feature: Ignore Signatures of Specific Users


Staff member
I have added a new feature, everyone can use for now.

On the right side of every signature (besides administrator's and your own) there is a small icon
that allows you to ignore the signature of that user.

If you press it you will never see that signature again unless you press the link to un-ignore the signature that will replace the signature.

Please let me know if you run into any issues.

Obviously if you Express mode there aren't any signatures anyway.

off a cough

Say my name, bitch!
I have added a new feature, everyone can use for now.

On the right side of every signature (besides administrator's and your own) there is a small icon
that allows you to ignore the signature of that user.

If you press it you will never see that signature again unless you press the link to un-ignore the signature that will replace the signature.

Please let me know if you run into any issues.

Obviously if you Express mode there aren't any signatures anyway.
Your signature offends me, but it cannot be disposed of. I cry foul. Please allow me to introduce you to my sandy vagina. We call it Jay.

off a cough

Say my name, bitch!
It works just fine, Joe. Just being difficult.

That's odd. I would have never put the two together.
I must admit to being intrigued as to what Gorillaz is and isn't. It is certainly unique, and that deserves credit. A couple of the songs I actually like.

I just recognized Tank Girl as looking an awful lot like 2-D, which I just heard/read about for the first time a few weeks back. I didn't make the connection until I Googled Tank Girl and recognized that the cartoonist was British, clicked on a whim, and sure 'nuff - same dood.


Staff member
There are TWO dark themes...

JUOT Express Dark

and each of those have both Fluid and Fixed,so there are 4 themes with "Dark" in their name. While I was pretty sure you meant "JUOT Dark" but I like to be absolutely sure.


I have yet to use thus option but I approve. Some folks have put up some nasty sigs but I prefer to not block sigs altogether.