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There apparently is a Michelle Obama "whitey" tape but

will_m [JU]

I wouldn't be surprised if the Clinton camp isn't using other sources to circurlate this tape.

They might even wait for Obama to get the nomination and cause him to lose.

Taggart [JU]

Gawd DAMN white middle-class Americans, whom I've never been proud of, cling bitterly to guns and religion as they infect the black man with AIDS. Brilliant!
I'm just kinda curious. . . If Michelle Obama has a tape wherein she says, "why'd he" then why haven't they released the tape so that everyone can see that she didn't say "whitey"?

Releasing the tape would end the damaging speculation about M. Obama's racist tendencies. Not doing so allows people to continue to believe she uses racist terminology.

Then again, maybe she really did say, "whitey" and releasing the tape would confirm the rumors?