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Weekend Recap...

eysdan [JU]

Friday: hit the gym after work, went home ate and then went grocery shopping with SO. Relaxed after that.

Saturday: mowed grass early and still sweated like crazy. Wedding in Pottsville at 2. Left reception around 9. Good time and a nice wedding/reception. Got home around 10:30, did some laundry and went to bed.

Sunday: church, went over to parents to visit before they head out to Oregen for a week. Went home and continued to read book for next Cisco exam. Made steaks for dinner with SO. After she left, cleaned out PC's and window fans. Relaxed watching tv.

Storm: congrats to you and your family on the new addition.

will_m [JU]

I got some celotex foam panels and totally closed off two of the three windows in my office because it gets very hot due to the sun. I think it's working but we'll see I guess. May restrict the 3rd window as well. While narrow (about 30" wide) my windows are all about 60" tall.
I have 1 window that faces the opposite way and a big sliding glass door that takes the brunt of the sun in the afternoon.

have the same problem, I need lil pat to install some ceiling fans up there

I have one and it does very little. Might have to see if I can take the air coming from the floor register and pipe it right over my head.

Virgil [JU]

Worked Friday evening until 0300 on Saturday; three extra hours dealing with a most turdly patient.

Did more stuff on the house Saturday.

Worked Sunday, off today. Gotta head for the lumber supply place up the road and pick up some wood to be ripped to 3/8" thick (for filler on a doorway) or find something already that thickness. Also have to buy lobsters for dinner (such a deal at Price Chopper) and pick up a card and gift for the lovely and gracious Virgilene's birthday. Not going to be a cheap day.......

skimblz [JU]

Friday evening: Relaxed around house.

Saturday: Hit up Lowes for a few parts around the house I needed. Went to range with my son and my daughter's BF. Shot a few hundred M1 rounds from CMP, about 100 through the SKS, and way too many through Mossberg .22LR, and about 75 through my Kimber pistol. Had BBQ afterwards.

Saturday evening: Fixed a broken sprinkler head, drank a bit, relaxed, stayed in A/C as much as possible.

Sunday: fixed planks on the wood fence around backyard. Sweat like crazy. Then weed whacked and shrub trimming. Even hotter now. Did some work on the cars in the garage. Felt like I was gonna pass out. Jumped in the 'hot tub' which was about 80 degrees (turned heater off for a while) to cool down.

Sunday evening: had pizza and watched the NASA missions stuff on Discovery HD.

glenn [JU]

Congrats Stormy!!

Fri: Watched dogs while movers packed up ex-GF's stuff and moved stuff to her new apartment.

Sat: Helped ex-GF unpack, then we went out to a local ethnic food joint. Yummy dinner.

Sun: Pretty much the same as Sat, but a different food place.

Today, just chilling... staying in with the AC going.... damn hot here. Going to look at a new apartment for me this evening.... then move at some point if I take the place.

Qckslvr [JU]

Friday: changed oil on F-body, replaced TP sensor also, cleared codes.

Saturday: Went to a very nice wedding in Carmel at a very nice golf course. DJ was kinda meh at the reception, good buffet though. The wedding cake seemed a little dry, and they had used fondant instead of butter cream. A lot of people didn't finish the cake. Carried wife to the car, wasn't passed out, but certainly couldn't walk.

Sunday: woke up cussed at f-body, shook my fist at it, then started working on it. Bought some new tools, finished car. Pruned rose bushes, transplanted some herbs that I have been growing to bigger pots. Vacuumed, washed windows, swept the deck. Then went and helped my mom get a new 40" Sony 1080i flat screen.

And that wraps it up.
Friday we just hung out...had dinner...a few cocktails. K did some prepping for Saturday's dinner w/my parents/aunt and uncle.... and played poker for a bit.

Saturday was house day...read K did most of it while I sat on my butt :( Had them all over for a great dinner...had them gone by 7:30p and then we continued to party till late into the night

Sunday was recovery day...did some laundry but mostly hung out. Had leftovers for dinner and was actually in bed by 12a which is amazing.