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Goodbye Verizon forever


You get 5GB at 4G... and then 2G there after, not even 3G. If it were 3G, I might give up my Verizon unlimited for it.

But it's only 2G. And since I'm 40GB thus far in the billing period, I still sort of need unlimited.
What do you download 40GB of on your phone? Pron?


coma toast
Dropped calls, shitty coverage, denial of service....just to name a few.

I had one provider that every time I made a local call I would get a recording saying that I do not have international calling on my plan. I took out a trouble ticket on the issue and a week later I get an urgent message saying they had found the problem.

I need to dial the area code first, well that's pretty funny since we've HAD TO DIAL THE AREA CODE FIRST FOR LOCAL CALLS FOR THE PAST TWENTY YEARS.


Well-known member
I'm never on wifi and am always on my phone and I stream music 3 ro 4 hours a day and don't ever go over 3 or 4.


MaMway Platinum Member
Staff member
Don't you use Wifi at home? Even when I had unlimited, I never got close to even 10G/month.
In my case my phone IS the internet connection at home. Plus I work from home. My data usage is ridiculous.


Stalker of Brock
I have no idea how much data I use because I don't have to know. I suspect about 2gb a mumf.