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McDonald's Southern Style Chicken Sandwich

2002tj [JU]

If you order one, make sure you tell them you would like it fully cooked. I forgot and boy did I feel dumb when I bit into a raw sandwich.



Oh man. I hope you went back and bitched. That's a lawsuit right there if you get salmonella poisoning. And how slow to learn are you that you got that far into the thing before you noticed something was not right?

2002tj [JU]

I was driving down I-45 and was kinda mindless and didn't notice something was very wrong until the second bite, which I spit out. One full bite was swallowed. Salmonella and e-coli ftw.

I didn't take it back because if I did I couldn't take pics and post it on jay-yew. I did e-mail McD's teh pics though. I bet I get a free southern style chicken sandwich out of it.
at Wendy's when I worked there, we served a boneless chicken breast sanwich with a bone. I found a washer pressed inbetween to uncooked patties.

But never forget, that you are having minimum wage pukes cook your food, crap like that is bound to happen
Gross. I've had 1 each of both the brefast and lunch style. Decent. VERY moist. Not as moist as yours, but pretty moist. Came apart like crockpot style even.
What kind of person who is not poor or retarded, enjoys eating at McDonalds? Subway is much healthier and MUCH MUCH more delicious. As is Quizno's.