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Staff member
so racism is okay?
Racism reflects on the person being racist... however going around the word censor is against the rules, so for stupid people (that racists often are) it's a hard line to walk safely.

But racism itself has never been against the rules... you can post up that "I hate ______ people because they small bad, have inferior intellegence and like to eat ______."

You can fill in those blanks with just about anything (without going around the word censor) and it has always been 'OK' per JUOT guidelines...


Staff member
Define going around censor Joe.
It's already been discussed at length, you can search for it...

the cliff notes: would mean that if EXAMPLE is censored out then E-X-A-M-P-L-E or a graphic that says "EXAMPLE" would be going around the censor but saying something like "The E Word" or E-------e would be OK.