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are all the people to say "i tried pot once but didn't like it"


Have not tried. The smell of the chit alone is enough to keep me away from it.:bopeyed:

I have to agree with tech too, drunk brings teh suck. A nice little buzz on the other hand can be enjoyable.

jpnjim [JU]

The drug seperates the wall between your subconscious and conscious mind, Essentially causing you to dream while wide awake.
Upon "waking", you feel like a million bucks, better than any cocaine or MDMA you could ever find, Essentially, You are re-born.

The drug is most commonly produced inside the human brain stem in the first 28 days of life as a baby. After that point, It is stored in the brain and is only released upon brain/body communication stating that the body is dead. The DMT is released throughout your brain and system, numbing pain, freeing the mind and drifting your subconscious off into the land of death.
I was dead for 5 minutes, or so (2+ minutes for the ambulance to arrive, another 2.5+ defibulating me), and didn't get any of this :(

I did wake up in a good mood, but they pump you full of so much sh!t, you can't help but be happy. :bopeyed:

jpnjim [JU]

FWIW, most people don't get stoned the first time they try it.

I didn't,
then I 'experimented' a few hundred more times, to make sure I was doing it right. ;)

(I haven't done any 'research' since well before the little guy came along, atleast 5-6 yrs)

It's amazing with all the crack heads, meth heads & junkies out there, the majority of posters here have maybe tried weed once, and didn't like it.



The fact that it is illegal is funny. Alot of states don't even enforce that law.
Bud has has caused so much less trouble and heartache than alcohol. Alcohol causes death everyday. I wouldn't argue that dope is better but it sure as hell aint any worse than alcohol. I drink because I cant take a bong hit after work. A bong hit would be much more beneficial.
The fact that hemp is not used instead of 90 year old trees is funny. It's all about big business. Brewers and loggers have lobbyist, pot has none and wont until it is legal. Don't get me started on oil.

Lets get the rich white men out of office. Is this really your country or is it warehouser and anheuser busch and exxon mobiles country.
i have never seen anyone "trip" while smoking plain ole pot. :naw:

I never said anything about tripping, but, I do know I have smoked "good" pot before, and I didn't feel relaxed. I felt paranoid and weird (hard to describe, needless to say it didn't feel good). To assume everyone feels the same way because you feel a certain way while using a particular drug is ridiculous.
I never said anything about tripping, but, I do know I have smoked "good" pot before, and I didn't feel relaxed. I felt paranoid and weird (hard to describe, needless to say it didn't feel good). To assume everyone feels the same way because you feel a certain way while using a particular drug is ridiculous.

paranoia is very common.
Lets think about this... ever gotten really hammered at the bar and then drove home? See a cop pas ya by on they way and get somewhat paranoid? Same effects.

You are doing something that is "illegal" why wouldnt you be somewhat paranoid? Once ya chillout to this paranoid feeling... its a much better experience. But WTF do I know? I never inhaled.
paranoia is very common.
Lets think about this... ever gotten really hammered at the bar and then drove home? See a cop pas ya by on they way and get somewhat paranoid? Same effects.

You are doing something that is "illegal" why wouldnt you be somewhat paranoid? Once ya chillout to this paranoid feeling... its a much better experience. But WTF do I know? I never inhaled.
Not that type of paranoia. It wasn't a fear I was doing something illegal. it wasn't really a fear of anything. I just felt paranoid, but wasn't. It's hard to describe, but needless to say, it didn't feel good to me.

Only thing I'm saying is everyone reacts differently to drugs, and just because it relaxes one person (or thousands), doesn't mean EVERYONE feels that way. Alcohol relaxes me. That doesn't mean everyone is relaxed when they drink, in fact, I know not everyone has that reaction.
I see what you're saying. There are funny drunks, there are angry drunks. I don't drink because my tweety bird ass can't back up what my tazmanian mouth says while drunk. If I was a funny drunk, I may still drink
I smoked some of that "legal" marijuana like stuff, it was terrible. I've never done acid but they said the high is very similar. It was terrible coming down from. Even shrooms didn't disassociate me as much as that chit did. It shouldn't be legal IMO.

I barely enjoyed some weed that I smoked with my brother in Humboldt County CA., but it was just a few of us on the beach at night, it was a very relaxed environment.