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Attn Rich, unless it is what you are using for your book, and don't want to tell...

99XJ [JU]

********** said:
So... after removing 2 possibly load bearing walls (my guess without an inspector or permit) the noises from upstairs floor settling/moving INCREASED? How thoroughly unpredictable. Let alone the rest of the constant remodeling that is changing/moving the load on the walls and supports of the 100 year old home.
*** has no clue that homes were constructed rediculously different in the 1800s than they were in teh 1960s. You could take out 90% of the interior of those old houses, and not negatively impact the structural integrity of them.
********** said:
So... after removing 2 possibly load bearing walls (my guess without an inspector or permit) the noises from upstairs floor settling/moving INCREASED? How thoroughly unpredictable. Let alone the rest of the constant remodeling that is changing/moving the load on the walls and supports of the 100 year old home.
Just wait till I get to the part about the roof caving in from the snowfall. :laugh: Actually the walls were not load bearing at all and were in the other side of the home. In fact, the room under mine had a wall put in sometime in the 1920's, so that a bathroom could be located in the home. If anything, my room was better supported than any in the home. I will write later as to the significance of the removal of the walls. Feel free to knock at my story, it seems to make you feel better. :yup:
99XJ said:
*** has no clue that homes were constructed rediculously different in the 1800s than they were in teh 1960s. You could take out 90% of the interior of those old houses, and not negatively impact the structural integrity of them.
One look at that ceiling of his pretty much says it all.
I'm just saying a big part of your story deals with:
A) The constant remodeling of the home
B) The constant noises from the house

I already wrote I believe in spirits, and I believe some people are much better at sensing/seeing them than others... but... why give the most detail about two things that could easily account for each other. Add/Remove/Remodel a 100 year old home and you will get many new noises.

Plus after all the sh!t I took I wasn't going to give a pass to anyone who posted about knocking out 2 walls.

And for Matt- I deffinitely understand the superior construction, most of the time, of older homes... What was surprising was to find a 1960 home with similar superior construction.
********** said:
I'm just saying a big part of your story deals with:
A) The constant remodeling of the home
B) The constant noises from the house

I already wrote I believe in spirits, and I believe some people are much better at sensing/seeing them than others... but... why give the most detail about two things that could easily account for each other. Add/Remove/Remodel a 100 year old home and you will get many new noises.

Plus after all the sh!t I took I wasn't going to give a pass to anyone who posted about knocking out 2 walls.

I know Joe, and it is actually cool that you read enough to catch the wall removal. Believe me, it will all make sense later. I will have to scan pics of the place so you all can see what I am talking about. The walls weren't completely removed, areas that had doors were opened up considerably, but walls on each side were left in place, as well as the addition of very large headers.
Hedley Lamarr said:
I know Joe, and it is actually cool that you read enough to catch the wall removal. Believe me, it will all make sense later. I will have to scan pics of the place so you all can see what I am talking about. The walls weren't completely removed, areas that had doors were opened up considerably, but walls on each side were left in place, as well as the addition of very large headers.
I read it all... It's the top 1% easy for JUOT stories, probably top 10% as is for anything written in the last 10 years, period.

Josh [JU]

Hedley Lamarr said:
I don't deny I could very well be insane, but I am a nice guy and like to share with others. :agree:

The difference between those who are mentally ill and those who are not (in my shallow experience) is insight. You have an abundance of it, I have no concerns for your mental well being. ;)

I almost missed part 2!!! Glad I went back and looked. Can't wait for more. ;)

You should send these out on an email list to those interested. :beerchug:

rick_YJ [JU]

Damn Rich, you are too good for JU. Seriously. You tell a wicked story. This is some of the best stuff I've ever read. I don't like to read, but your story has me hooked as well. I will continue to read whatever you post up. And don't worry about Joe, he's just upset that he's not the focus of attention right now. ;)
it's like the old serials I swear. :rockz:

My only request is seperating the story parts into different threads. This has a hell of alot of posts to get through to get to the story. Or possibly having 1 stickied and locked thread that only the story parts will go in. Then other threads can discuss the parts of the story.

now onto the story, I find it odd that your grandmother is very religious yet did not believe ghosts. Isn't that the basis of Christianity? :puzzled: I don't want this to become a thread on religion, this just stuck out at me in part 2 of the story.

again great work Rich :beerchug:
rick_YJ said:
Damn Rich, you are too good for JU. Seriously. You tell a wicked story. This is some of the best stuff I've ever read. I don't like to read, but your story has me hooked as well. I will continue to read whatever you post up. And don't worry about Joe, he's just upset that he's not the focus of attention right now. ;)

Yes, unlike all the attention you are receiving...
MtnDew808 said:
Awesome story, needs a tiny bit of work if you are thinking about publishing it (which I encourage).

count me +1 for hooked

No plans at all on publishing this, just something for people on JU to read. I am just jotting stuff down and posting it without much worry about content or structure. :beerchug: Here is some more if anyone is interested.

Back on my own, not really.

The home had taken on quite a change since the remodel. Let me digress back to the removal of interior walls. It has been said that homes that spirits occupy can become restless with simple remodeling projects. When walls are removed, homes that have never had a history of spirits have been known to become quite active. My home was already quite active before, but the spirit actually seemed to be a protector, now there were other elements in the house.

Shortly after grandmother moved out, my mother started to experience something that I would as well, though much later in life. Every morning for weeks at a time, she would wake up at 3:33 a.m. This always alarmed her. She would try to trick the clock. She would lay in bed after waking up, and then look at the clock only after a period of time had passed, 3:33. She would look at the clock the minute she woke up, 3:33. She would set the clock ahead or behind by a few minutes, 3:33. There is nothing she could do to stop the 3:33 awakenings. Eventually, she would return to normal sleeping patterns, only to return to the 3:33 awakenings later in the year. The troubling part to her was 666 has always been a popular association with the devil and half of that being 333. Many believe 333 to also be a number associated with the devil, but there are some that also see it as a symbol representing the father, son and holy ghost. My mother tried to think of it as the latter, not wanting to think that something evil was causing her to awaken at that time.

Strange smells started to appear in the home that had never been present before. In the past, the sweet smell of lilac perfume would seem to follow me around, but this new smell wasn’t the sweet smell of lilacs, it was the smell of cigar smoke mixed with what smelled like road kill. The smell would appear many times during the weeks that mother would be waking up at 3:33. The smell would usually be in the same area of the home and there was never an explanation for it. Above the area, there was living space, below was the basement, this ruled out a dead mouse or something similar. The smell always seemed to appear only during the times of the 3:33 episodes and happened during the remaining years we lived in the home.

To add to the smells, the lights began again. The house had earned a name years ago of being the “spook house” because of the strange lights and I had only witnessed them in what ended up my bedroom. The lights had started to travel around the home in the evenings. Many times while in bed, I would see what appeared to be car lights going down the wall. At first I wouldn’t think anything about it, but many times the lights would go down a wall and then behind a door and stay there. I would sit and watch and then suddenly the lights would just vanish. Once while reading in my room, the wood shutters that were on the inside started to rattle as though someone were trying to open them. I went over to the shutters and opened them to find a bright white light just outside the window, it quickly flew out towards the barn and vanished.

Other times, the lights would float through the house and end up going out a window, then circle around the home and often sit up in the trees. The lights actually seemed to like attention and to play. They would interact with one another and in one instance, seemed to appear on cue. A friend and I were talking outside and suddenly a light ball appeared just behind him. He saw my face light up and thinking someone was pulling into the driveway, he turned to see who was there. The moment he turned, the light vanished and he asked what had happened. I explained to him what had happened and he scoffed. Minutes later, we were talking again and his face lit up. As his face filled with light, I could also see the blood drain from his face, he was scared to death. He suddenly started screaming and ran to the house. I started laughing and told him not to worry, they wouldn’t hurt him. He was shaking and described how suddenly a bright light appeared right behind my head. I told him yes, that is just what had happened to him as well, but he needed proof in order to believe and that night the spirits accommodated

In my mind, the lights were good. They seemed to keep an eye on the place and would many times just sit and watch us. They never did anything that I would consider evil, they were just curious and I always felt they were standing guard against something. For some reason, the home had turned into a battle ground of sorts between good and evil.

My guardian.

Things had continued to progress in 1984, the lights were getting more active, the smell had been coming and going and my mother was waking up at 3:33 more often. 1985 arrived and with it, new activities. In the mornings before school, the normal routine of being followed around by the smell of lilac perfume was all too common and the floorboard and swinging chair had still been active as well. Many times if I would turn quickly as I walked, I would suddenly get ice cold. I wasn’t sure at first what that meant, but I had a good feeling that I was indeed walking through what ever was following me and it would be much later before I was able to confirm that suspicion. When school was out for the summer, I was home alone much more often. Grandmother was living in town, my parents were both at work and I being an only child was left to fend for myself during the day. Many mornings I would awaken to the sound of my mother calling for me from downstairs, I would get up hoping to find that she had cooked breakfast. I would run down the stairs and announce that I was awake, only to find that my parents had left hours ago for work. This happened many times over the years, I would be in bed and wake up with a woman calling, “Rich.........Rich”. At first I would often think it was my mother, until I would roll over and look at the clock. It was disappointing, there was never breakfast waiting for me, always just an empty house with the smell of lilacs.

This never really scared me, just a reminder that I was not alone. Another reminder that I was not alone happened that summer. My uncle had been keeping his 1965 GTO out at our home while he was away on vacation. I was in my room with the windows open, it was a warm summer night. I was reading when I thought I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I ignored it thinking it must have been a bug or something. The tap suddenly happened again, but this time with enough force to make me shake my book. I spun around and something caught my eye outside. From the light in the driveway, I could see there was a man with a rifle down at my uncle’s GTO looking up at me as I had been reading. Apparently, he had been out there watching me and had plans of stealing the car. I ran downstairs and told my father there was a man with a gun out by the GTO. He grabbed his shotgun and threw me the keys to our Jeep. We ran out the door and the man took off running, my father took off running after him and told me to take off after him in the Jeep. By the time I got to the Jeep, someone waiting down the road started their car and was waiting for the man. My father was too far behind to catch him and as I got to the road in the Jeep, I could see the man jump in the car and it hurried off. There was no way to catch him and we never had the problem again. My guardian had saved the day. When I returned to my room, I did something I had never done, I said thank you to my spirit friend, looking back, I am not so sure that was a good idea.

I think we may have company.